REVIEW: Mole & Gecko’s Big Albany Poetry Picnic

To write a whole review in rhyme is hard and takes a lot of time.
It’s easier to do in prose; we have experience of those.
But given what this one’s about, we thought it would be worth a shout.
So here’s an ode to a great show by (Simon) Mole and (Will) Gecko.

What do you do at a poetry picnic? Scoff a sonnet, lick a limerick?
Drink a cup of couplet tea or snack on a soliloquy?
You may be hungry for haiku, perhaps a stanza sandwich too.
With Mole and Gecko you will write a tasty poetry delight.

To pack a picnic you combine a mix of snacks and treats (and wine!)
To write a poem’s much the same; just mix up thoughts from in your brain.
For extra fun, combine the two; construct a poem while you chew.
Add music for the perfect blend. It’s what we did on the weekend.

The garden of the Albany is where we were supposed to be,
but due to risk of rain downpours instead we found ourselves indoors
at Deptford Lounge, inside a hall, with picnic blankets, snacks and all.
Although we did not see the sun, we had an afternoon of fun.

It starts like all the best shows do, as Mole and Gecko sing to you.
Then time to play – word play we mean – Some silly games to set the scene
before it’s time to make a start creating your own work of art.
First task – What topic will you choose? Gazebos? Hogwarts? Or tap shoes?*

It’s daunting when you’re at the stage of staring at an empty page,
but Simon Mole has clever ways to help you navigate this maze. 
He knows exactly what to do to help you write a line or two.
Before you know it, you’ll be sure that you can fill a page or more.  

So Simon talks and Gecko sings about the different sorts of things
to put into your recipe for cooking up some poetry.
This subject that you hold so dear, how does it look? What can you hear?
When did you first find out about this topic of which now you shout?

Add a rhetorical device; a simile would be quite nice.
No need to rhyme unless you wish. This poem is your personal dish.
So season it in your own style and write the way that makes you smile.
Arrange your words upon the page, then be prepared to take the stage.

Now that it’s written you’ll be proud to read your masterpiece aloud 
in front of all your newfound friends, before the poetry picnic ends
But if you’re scared to take the mic, Simon can read it if you like.
Or ask your sister or your mum to read it out to everyone.

Through simple, fun activities a poem can be built with ease
and then performed upon a stage by orators of any age.
So if you’re craving to create, just grab a pen and paper plate.
Join Mole and Gecko – don’t be shy – They’re at Arts Depot in July!

*Not just selected for rhyming purposes. We can confirm that poems were written about all of these topics!

The Great Albany Poetry Picnic took place at Deptford Lounge on Sunday 20 June 2021. We received complimentary tickets in return for a review.

You have another chance to catch Mole & Gecko At artsdepot’s Poetry Party which takes place on Sunday 4 July at 12pm and 3pm as part of artsdepot’s TogetherFest on Tour at Stephens House and Gardens in Finchley. This is a free event (with age recommmendation 6+) and no tickets are required.