Looking for something to entertain and educate your small humans at the same time? Check out the theatre companies below, who have all put together digital content that is designed to stimulate young minds and spark scientific curiosity.
Bric a Brac Kid’s Lab: Suitable for all ages
Bric a Brac Theatre Company (creators of family friendly, feminist musical Mustard Doesn’t Go With Girls) have been working hard on putting together a new online resource filled with activities and ideas for kids of all ages. There is a mixture of content, all designed to celebrate curiosity and creativity, and there are chances to submit work and celebrate achievements! Check out the Magical Science episode below, then head to Kid’s Lab to explore.
The Quest (What’s Coming Out of the Box Productions): Suitable for ages 5-10
‘The quest’ is a story about adventure. After receiving a mysterious call during lockdown, a librarian and her housemates set out on a quest to discover the meaning of adventure. Ever wanted to go to the moon, become a spy or an inventor? Then join the screen-free fun. Using everyday props, this imaginative audio play offers you a chance to join in with activities to become part of the story. (Top tip – You will need to gather the props first and small people should be accompanied during the adventure!)

The Invisible Musem: Lockdown Edition (Knapsack Productions): Suitable for ages 7-11
The time travelling Curator of the Invisible Museum has been trapped in a garage in Wiltshire through lockdown and has made some short videos and an activity pack for children and families to watch at home or in school. This one woman shows champions women and minorities in the history of STEM, and includes a range of science, technology, engineering, arts and maths themed activities. Thanks to partners, Wiltshire Libraries, The Pound Arts and funding from ACE, all the resources are free to access at www.knapsackproductions.co.uk/tim
*ACCESSIBILITY* The videos are all fully captioned and the resource pack is available in large print format.